27 Ocak 2013 Pazar

Differences between romantic comedies and real life

İzlerken son derece keyif aldığım romantik komedilerin hoşça vaktimizi harcaması bir yana bizi realiteden kopardığı gibi bir gerçeği farketmiş bulunuyorum. -Sanki yeni farketmişim gibi- Bakalım neymiş bu farklar:

- RK'lerde erkek hatasını anlar kadından hiper süper romantik bir şekilde özür diler ve kendini affettirir, Gerçek Hayatta hata yaparlar, anlamazlar, ima edersiniz anlamazlar, açık açık söylersiniz belki kuru bir özür dilerler ama nerde o romantik jestler felan... Yalannn.... Ve aynı hatayı genişleterek en geç ertesi hafta yinelerler ki bi önceki durumunuzu arayasınız...

- RK'lerde herkes çok güzeldir ve yakışıklıdır, GH'ta eeeeehhh...

- RK'lerde daima kıza ya da erkeğe aklını başına getirtecek bir dostu ya da akrabası vardır. "Bak şurda hata yapıosun, aslında kız haklı..." "Onu kaybedersen hayatının hatasını yaparsın..." "Evlenmeyip de ne poh yiyeceksin, bak ben Carrie ile senin ilişkin gibi bir şey için ruhumu satardım..." falan gibi özel - güzel öğütler verirler. GH'ta ise erkeklere "Aman sakın evleneyim falan deme. Hayatın mahvolur. Bak ben evlendim de iyi poh yedim." kızlara da "Ne hata mı yaptı, hemen ayrıl ondan." der arkadaşları sanki o giderse kapında onlarcası beklio.... Alla Alla... Yok mu su loser filmlerdeki kadar akıllı bir arkadaş çevresi....

- RK'lerde ayrılsan bile bi tesadüfler silsilesi sizi biraraya getirmek için sıralanır. Ayrıldığınız adam her köşe başında karşınıza çıkar. GH'ta ise bi daha ara ki bulasın. Aynı okulda veya işte bile olsan niyeyse bi daha göremezsin adamı. Yok yok şunu atlamayalım: Ne zaman ki en tipsiz halinlesin o zaman karşılaşırsınız...

Bunlar benim bulduklarım, sizinkiler neler?


I noticed that besides the Romantic Comedy movies make us have nice and easy time, They also make us far away from reality. – Like I just notices itJ-Let’s review what these differences are:

-          In RC, The guy always understands his fault immediately and makes forgive himself super-duper way. In Real Life makes mistake, don’t get it, u imply it don’t get it, tell him clearly and loudly and if u have chance he just apologies and no way for romantic gestures. The big fat lie… And make continuously and increasingly the same mistake so u can miss the first mistake place.
-          In RC, everyone is good looking, u know handsome, beautiful. In RL eeeehhhh….
-          In RC, there is always a good friend who gives great advice to him or her that makes the relationship goes on. Like “U r making a big mistake…” “She is so right.” “If u loose her u made the biggest mistakes of your life.” “I would sell my soul to evil for getting relationship like you and Carrie.”  In RL if he, The best friend advices like these: “Never ever get married. Your life will be over. Look, I married and got the shit” and İf she “Did he made a tiny little mistake, u should definitely broke him up…” Like if he’s gone there are tons of men are waiting at your door. Isn’t there any friendship environment  as clever as like these movies?
-          In RC, even if u broke up, there will be tons of serendipities that makes u and him meet. Like u see him every corner… But In RL, u never ever see him again. Even if you are in the same school or firm. No, We shouldn’t skip this point: u definitely see him when u look like a train rack.

These are mine what I got, What are yours?


25 Ocak 2013 Cuma


I've never fit  CHANEL N°5 in me. I always be a lit bit spice and flower girl. But I should admit after these adds, even I started to think about to get one of them:)



And we're at the end of a relationship again dear audience.


Once upon a time the boy u deeply in love with,

who makes u feel like in heaven when he hugging and

u secretly keep to pray that will never end…

The boyfriend who is calling every day/night exactly when you take the phone for calling him,

who understand every tune of your voice and worried for you about what is happening,

who tries to make you happy and not hurt u on purpose..

who makes special things to make u feel special


starts suddenly – OK, Of course not suddenly but slowly- not to call you every day/night or week

not calling even he knew that you r angry to him

telling their friends that he will never get married

joking about some random girls in front of you

and may be cheating on u

Just caring u less and less…


U should let him go.

And reduce your heart to silence

Explain your friend u r Ok but actually they all know u r not

Try to focus your job, you relatives anything but him

But actually think about only him and nothing else…

Try not to cry but find yourself withinside/among/aboard tears while watching random tv show or listening music

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